Installations – Smart City
With Umpi X-Perience, Minos and Ermes many cities ready ....... to become Smart

Enel X, in partnership with Umpi, has signed a contract with the municipality of Pescara for the remote control of public lighting. For the city it is a turning point of technology and efficiency: the best of Enel and Umpi's smart solutions will be introduced. The light points will all be remotely controlled one by one: that is, it will be possible to monitor them remotely, turning them on, adjusting them and turning them off individually, as needed. In this way, savings on management are added to the economic convenience of LED technology.

SLOVAKIA - Prešov Region
New application of Smart Lighting in Slovakia the Prešov region. Installation of more than 3,200 lighting points in the various municipalities of the region.

FRANCE – Lançon-Provence
Public lighting remote management in the French municipality of Lançon-Provence, in particular 1,200 lighting points and 60 electrical panels.

FRANCE – Rixheim
Smart Lighting new application in Rixheim, the French city of the Union of Municipalities of Ile Napoléon in Alsace.

FRANCE – Hagondange
Realization in the Hagondange French municipality of a remote control and remote management system of 40 electrical panels and 1,800 lamps in point-to-point mode for outdoor public lighting.

TURKEY– Istanbul
Turkey's capital becomes smart thanks to Minos System, which has made it possible to transform the public lighting network into a true network of services.

In Spoleto center, Enel X in collaboration with Umpi will take care of street lighting network redevelopment. The activities also include the remote control platform installation on all appliances, aimed at reducing energy consumption and preparing the public network towards a smart grid perspective. The platform, thanks to a PLC technology, will enable the existing power line to transmit data at very high speed, allowing the value-added services implementation.

FRANCE – Amélie-les-Bains
Amélie-les-Bains, a 3,800 inhabitants town in the Pyrenees, given the insecurity growing sense in recent years, decided to use Minos System which, using the public lighting network, allowed to activate a surveillance system increasing citizens security.

FRANCE – La Barben
La Barben, a famous tourist destination in Provence, chooses Minos System to manage the city lights and ensure greater safety for tourists and citizens.