FxQuicky – (Match On Board)
FxQuicky is the ideal solution to replace old identification system based on badge, barcode, smart card and RFID with a more reliable fingerprint technology. The PC connected to the scanner is not involved in the processing of biometric data: images and templates of the users are not transferred to the PC, thus increasing the easy to use. FxQuicky doesn’t require an SDK, but can be used thanks to a simple protocol called ICP (Integrator Control Protocol). This protocol is based on a set of commands exchanged over a virtual COM. This protocol is very fast to integrate and cut down integration time in software development.
Fingerprint Sensor
The high resolution of the internal sensor (500 dpi) and its very large sensing area significantly improve the fingerprint recognition accuracy: resolution and area of the FxQuicky scanner are the highest among the existing fingerprint modules. Thanks to these features, false rejections due to an incorrect placement of the finger are drastically reduced.
Si veda “Una valutazione tecnica delle caratteristiche degli scanner di impronte digitali” per un approfondimento tecnico sull’argomento.
Microprocessor and memory
The core of FxQuicky is a board equipped with a powerful microprocessor (RISC 32-bit, 200 MHz, ARM9) and 32 MB of RAM. This allows very large fingerprint images to be processed on-line, without sacrificing recognition accuracy.
Accuracy and efficiency
FxQuicky can operate both in Verification mode (1:1 match – PIN based), and Identification mode (1:N search on the database of enrolled users) with a very low error rate. A user verification takes about 0.8 seconds.
Template Storage
The FxQuicky can store up to 1500 fingerprints (up to 10000 in the model with max flash memory). Fingerprints are not stored as images but as templates (i.e., compact numerical features extracted from them): from a fingerprint template it is not possible to reconstruct the original fingerprint image.
Integrator Command Protocol (ICP)
FxQuicky can be driven by third party devices through the serial protocol ICP (Integrator Control Protocol). The USB connection is identified by the host as a virtual COM port and using this COM is very easy to send commands and receive results. FxQuicky operates as a biometric co-processor and supports storage of fingerprint templates: the external host (master) sends to FxQuicky (slave) enrolment, verification, and identifications requests, and wait for a response. Through ICP it is also possible to export/import/delete fingerprint templates and adjust several system parameters.
Integration and Development
FxQuicky is distributed with:
- ICP Win software for controlling FxQuicky from a PC running Windows;
- C library for ICP protocol;
- ICP Win source code available in C language.
Fx2Relay/Fx4Relay: This board is connected to the FxQuicky, and is capable of activating the relay (2 on Fx2Relay and 4 on Fx4Relay) in order to control electric locks, alarms and so on. F
FxRelay, should be mounted in the internal side of the room to protect, has its own microprocessor and communicates with FxQuicky in encipheredway following a challenge-response protocol. cifrato Therefore, eavesdropping the communication line is useless and forcing relay activation by re-playing previously transmitted data is not possible. The board can be programmed, through the FxQuicky unit, in a very simple way. When a user has been authenticated relay n°1 is activated for one second. Using ICP protocol it is possible to set the relays and check the optoisolated input (2 for Fx2Relay and 4 for Fx4Relay).
Via USB con protocollo ICP si possono comandare i relè e controllare gli input optoisolati (2 per Fx2Relay e 4 per Fx4Relay).
Extended Flash Memory: FxQuicky (basic model) has 8 MByte of flash memory and can store up to 1500 fingerprints. Umpi can produce (upon request) models with more flash memory (up to 32 MByte, i.e. about 10000 fingerprints).
SUN Technology: Umpi SUN technology shields the reader from strong and direct sunlight.
Please note that optional (Fx2Relay board, extended flash memory ad SUN technology) must be expressly required when ordering the FxIntegrator unit: they cannot be mounted subsequently.
Fingerprint Sensor: Optical, high resolution (500 dpi)
Sensing area: (13.2 x 25 mm2)
Core ARM9 (200 MHz) + 16 MB RAM
Basic:4 MB Flash (about 1500 users) Max 32 MB Flash (about 10000 users)
ISO compliant models
Integration and Development
USB 2.0 HS – Virtual COM Port
ICP Protocol
Fx2Relay board
SUN Technology
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