Savings and the environment with Minos and Ermes
Minos System and Ermes System helps to respect the environment and the objectives set by international regulations. Through energy saving and targeted maintenance scheduling, it contributes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.
Thanks to point-to-point remote management, it has the capability to decide in a personalized way how much save, improving the effectiveness and quality of the service.

Energy saving
Reduces energy consumption by up to 45% by programming the shut-off, switching on or reducing the luminous flux of each light point and the timely on / off of the systems via the astronomical clock.
Eliminates the energy wastage generated by daylighting for the search for faulty lamps.
Real-time maintenance
Provides real-time information on the status of public and outdoor lighting systems,
allows timely and targeted maintenance interventions, measures the effective performance of installed components,
the intervention times and the effectiveness of the service offered.
consentono interventi di manutenzione tempestivi e mirati, misurano l’effettiva resa dei componenti installati,
i tempi d’intervento e l’efficacia del servizio offerto.

Light pollution reduction
Helps to reduce light pollution and the phenomenon of light reflected on the road surface, thanks to the possibility to program, depending on the times and on the basis of the traffic flows, when to turn on, off or reduce the luminous flux of each light point, and at the same time respect the safety standards required by national and international regulations.
Return on investment
Through the constant and planned use of the system, the return on investment in a short time is possible, generating financial resources that can be used on other projects of public interest.
The time required depends on the characteristics of the system (number of light points, power and type of lamps).
The installation experiences made over the years have shown that Minos System repays itself between 3 and 8 years.